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Sir Ranulph Fiennes Bt OBE

Sir James Scott Bt DL


  • Sir Michael Bunbury Bt KCVO DL
  • Sir James Pickthorn Bt
  • Sir Thomas Troubridge Bt
  • Sir Ross Yarrow Bt

The Baronets Trust provides an opportunity for Baronets to make a material contribution to a better Britain. Set up over 35 years ago, it has always emphasised supporting and helping disabled and/or disadvantaged young people. Over the last 10 years, the Trust’s focus has sharpened as the Trustees sought to make sizable grants with a more tangible impact.

Since 2011, we have supported two charities in our new focused way:

  • SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association) received our support from 2011 – 2015, receiving £5,000 a year to provide remedial holidays for disadvantaged and disabled children of members of the Armed Forces
  • The Shannon Trust gained our support from 2016 – 2020, aiding prisoners in teaching other prisoners to read and write. Our grants started at £5,000 but increased to £10,000 during the period.

In our third programme we have made a five-year commitment to The Cirdan Sailing Trust. The charity specialises in enabling groups of young people, particularly the disadvantaged, to experience the challenge and adventure of life at sea on large sailing vessels. The Cirdan Trust has a national reach but is small enough for £10,000 a year to make a significant difference. Further information can be found at

Cirdan Trust

Challenge & Adventure

"The things I loved most about the experience sailing with The Cirdan Trust were learning new skills and being able to find confidence in myself, knowing my knowledge can go further than what I think."  Keely, Voyage on Faramir April 2019

In 1985, a group of Baronets launched a charity, exclusive to members of the Baronetage. The intention was to provide an opportunity to Baronets to make a meaningful contribution to society. The opportunity to give collegially has struck a chord with an increasing number of Baronets and continues to do so today.

Grants were initially made to organisations and institutions for capital items, such as buildings and equipment. The Trust focused on medicine, primarily for the diagnosis and treatment of sick, disabled and disadvantaged children.

Early grants were made to a wide variety of organisations, including:
• the Children’s Trust at Tadworth, Surrey;
• the Children’s Unit at Edinburgh Hospital;
• the Children’s Liver Unit at Birmingham Hospital;
• Harefield Hospital;
• the Treloar Trust (providing equipment to enable children with severe speech impediment to communicate);
• the Radcliffe Children’s hospital, Oxford, to provide a hi-lo bath and hoist (known as the Baronets Bath);
• the Rockinghorse Appeal, Brighton, providing a protected outdoor play area, which consultants use to assess the treatment needs of patients in a less formal atmosphere than a Consulting Room;
• the Sea Shell Trust, Manchester, providing mobile hoists to allow the lifting of disabled children, in wheelchairs, onto their stage, thus allowing them to take part in drama presentations, from which they were previously excluded; and
• Stubber’s Adventure Centre, Upminster, Essex, to provide a specially designed sailing boat and sets of protective clothing for use by disabled and disadvantaged children and their carers, from the London area, to receive sailing tuition, thus enhancing their self-esteem.

In April 2010, the Trustees launched an initiative at a reception at 2 Temple Place, encouraging Baronets to support the Trust by providing a legacy in their Will. The reception was fully funded by specific donations from regular donors, the Bulldog Trust, and a corporate donor. Those who attended were very supportive of the idea but, of course, tangible results will only be known over time.

The uptick in support for the Trust encouraged a spirit of ambition, and so in April 2011, the Trustees decided to shift their focus from sporadic support of institutions and onto long-term grant support.

The Trustee made a £5,000 p.a. grant, for five years, to SSAFA (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association) – specifically towards the cost of respite holidays for the sick/disabled and/or disadvantaged children of service personnel – who may themselves be disabled, thereby providing respite to the parents and siblings. To this end, a special appeal was made to all SCB members. The resulting donations and interest generated have been particularly gratifying to the Trustees.

As a result, in 2012, a specialised holiday was provided by SSAFA Forces Help for disabled children and children with additional needs from Service families. Twenty-one children were able to take part. The holidays for children with additional needs and disabilities provided life enhancing opportunities for all the young people and volunteers involved, whilst enabling the rest of the family to have a well-deserved break from the rigors of meeting the needs of their most dependent member.

SSAFA also ran a further holiday for Siblings and Young Carers, which 25 children attended. The latter holiday provided respite to a group of very deserving Service children whose everyday lives are occupied with accommodating the needs and demands of a sibling who has a significant disability or additional need, or in supporting the care of an adult who has complex needs.

In 2013 SSAFA incorporated sessions which encouraged the children to open up and discuss their feelings about their family situation and how these holidays are of benefit. SSAFA has recently produced its final report on the impact of the Baronets Trust’s support over the last five years (2015 SSAFA Report).

Owing to the continued support from those donating to the Trust, we are there to lend a helping hand.

Our most recent set of donations, to The Shannon Trust, have been used within their Reading Scheme, particularly with Young Offenders. The aim of the scheme is to train prisoners to be mentors, to help their peers learn to read. For many young offenders, their inability to read means that they cannot read or write letters to their loved ones, cannot apply for jobs on release, cannot follow simple written instructions etc. It has been seen that those who leave with these basic skills have a better chance of building a life without re-offending. Also, by training to become a mentor, they provided with additional skills that are prized on release.

We have been particularly fortunate to be supported by Sir John Aird Bt. He made a superb offer to match-fund any “new” donations from Baronets. SCB members were persuaded via the SCB Newsletter and in face-to-face contact at various SCB events to consider donating to the Trust. We were delighted to receive a substantial donation from Sir John in response to donations received. Our grateful thanks go to Sir John.


Grants made by the Trust are funded from a combination of the financial return from the Trust’s investment portfolio, which has been built up over many years, and annual donations from both Baronets and others. To further the Trust’s activities, the Trustees thank current donors and invite all Baronets to contribute. Whilst one-off donations are gratefully received, it is hoped that donors will want to provide continuing support for the work of the Trust, as epitomised by the grants to the Cirdan Trust. A copy of our latest Annual accounts are available, on request, from the Secretary (details below).

The Trust is registered with the Charity Commission – Charity Number: 291880


Ways to donate:

  • by Bankers’ Order: form below, to make an annual donation.
  • via the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF): either directly to ‘The Baronets Trust’ or by CAF cheque to the address below
  • by Cheque: made payable to The Baronets Trust to the address below
  • via - using the following link:

 A signed Gift Aid Declaration enhances any donation by 25% at no cost to the donor but is available only if the donor pays UK Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax, at least of the amount the Trust will claim in the tax year.

Gift Aid Declaration

Bankers Order

The Secretary to the Trustees is:

Mrs Mary Holloway-Neville
6 Victoria Place, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 1BY   

Tel: 01372 723453



Supporting the interests and dignities of Baronets since 1898

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